LCA - 40 Products
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10W 150-400mA one4all Dimmable SC PRE Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 10W 150/200/250/300/350/400mA one4all SC PRE, LED Converter Compact PREMIUM, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

44W 700-1050mA flexC PH-C SR ADV Phase Cut/1-10V Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 44W 700/1050mA flexC PH-C SR ADV, LED Converter Compact BASIC - Leading-edge/Trailing-edge, Made In PRC, 5yrs Warranty

Tridonic,LCA 50W 350/400/450/500/550/600/650/700/750/800/850/900/950/1000/1050mA DT8 lp PRE Tuneable White Driver ,Made In Poland, 5yrs Wrnty
Tridonic,LCA 50W 350/400/450/500/550/600/650/700/750/800/850/900/950/1000/1050mA DT8 lp PRE Tuneable White Driver ,Made In Poland, 5yrs Wrnty

150W 24V one4all Dimmable SC PRE Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 150W 24V one4all SC PRE, LED Constant Voltage Converter, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

50W 100-400mA one4all Dimmable lp PRE DALI Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic,LCA 50W 100/125/150/175/200/225/250/275/300/325/350/375/400mA one4all lp PRE,LED Converter Linear PREMIUM DALI, Made In Austria,5yrs Warranty

60W 24V one4all Dimmable SC PRE Constant Voltage LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 60W 24V one4all SC PRE, LED Constant Voltage Converter, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

35W 150-700mA one4all Dimmable lp PRE Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 35W 150/200/250/300/350/400/450/500/550/600/650/700mA one4all lp PRE, LED Converter Linear PREMIUM DALI, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

100W 24V one4all SC Dimmable SC PRE Constant Voltage LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 100W 24V one4all SC PRE, LED Constant Voltage Converter, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

45W 500-1400mA one4all Dimmable SC PRE Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 45W 500-1400mA one4all SC PRE, LED Converter Compact PREMIUM, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

85W 600-1800mA 2xCH lp PRE MULTI Channel premium SELV series Driver, Dimmable built-in constant current 2-channel LED driver with DALI DT6 ,5yrs Warranty
Tridonic,LCA 85W 600-1800mA 2xCH lp PRE MULTI Channel premium SELV series Driver, 5yrs Warranty.

15W 180-350mA flexC PH-C SR ADV Phase Cut/1-10V Constant current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 15W 180/250/350mA flexC PH-C SR ADV, LED Converter Compact BASIC - Leading-edge / Trailing-edge, Made In PRC, 5yrs Warranty

21W 300-500mA flexC PH-C SR ADV Phase Cut/1-10V Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 21W 300/450/500mA flexC PH-C SR ADV, LED Converter Compact BASIC - Leading-edge / Trailing-edge , Made In PRC, 5yrs Warranty

100W 350-1050mA 2xDT8 lp PRE Tuneable White DT8 Premium SELV series Driver, Dimmable built-in constant current 4-channel LED driver with 2 x
DALI-2 DT8 ,5yrs Wrnty
Tridonic,LCA 100W 350-1050mA 2xDT8 lp PRE Tuneable White DT8 Premium SELV series Driver, ,Made In Poland, 5yrs Wrnty

35W 24V one4all Dimmable SC PRE Constant Voltage LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 35W 24V one4all SC PRE, LED Constant Voltage Converter, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

60W 900-1750mA one4all Dimmable SR PRE Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 60W 900-1750mA one4all SR PRE, LED Converter Compact PREMIUM, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

100W 1100-2100mA one4all SR PRE Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 100W 1100/1200/1300/1400/1500/1600/1700/1800/1900/2000/2100mA one4all SR PRE, LED Converter Compact , Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

10W 450mA Phase Cut SR ADV Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 10W 450mA phase-cut 22mm SR ADV, LED Converter Compact BASIC - Leading-edge /Trailing-edge, Made In PRC, 5yrs Warranty

60W 24V one4all Dimmable SC PRE SP Constant Voltage LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 60W 24V one4all SC PRE SP, LED Constant Voltage Converter, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

100W 24V one4all Dimmable lp PRE Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 100W 24V one4all lp PRE, LED Constant Voltage Converter, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

100W 1100-2100mA one4all C PRE Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA100W 1100/1200/1300/1400/1500/1600/1700/1800/1900/2000/2100mA one4all C PRE,LED Converter Compact PREMIUM, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

10W 150-400mA one4all Dimmable C PRE Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 10W 150/200/250/300/350/400mA one4all C PRE, LED Converter Compact PREMIUM, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

45W 500-1400mA one4all Dimmable C PRE Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 45W 500-1400mA one4all C PRE, LED Converter Compact PREMIUM, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

60W 900-1750mA one4all Dimmable C PRE Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 60W 900-1750mA one4all C PRE, LED Converter Compact PREMIUM, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

10W 150-400mA one4all Dimmable SR PRE Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 10W 150/200/250/300/350/400mA one4all SR PRE, LED Converter Compact PREMIUM, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty

45W 500-1400mA one4all Dimmable SR PRE Constant Current LED Driver
Tridonic, LCA 45W 500-1400mA one4all SR PRE, LED Converter Compact PREMIUM, Made In Austria, 5yrs Warranty